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Issues & Solutions

Solutions for any issues that may occur.

Pal could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.

Pal could not be compiled

This is an error that you'll get when trying to launch the Modding Kit if you're missing things. This is a generic error, but luckily we can use the Pal.log file found in Saved/Logs folder of the Modding Kit to determine what's causing the issue! Here's a list of the errors you might get and how to fix them:

Detected compiler newer than Visual Studio 2022, please update min version checking in WindowsPlatformCompilerSetup.h

Solution found by GungnirIncarnate

Go to Visual Studio Installer -> Modify -> Individual Components and add MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Build Tools (v14.38-17.8)

You can confirm if it’s installed the correct one by going to the VS install path and seeing if the folder is there (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130) Change your “%appdata%\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml” to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Configuration xmlns="">