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Config Files

Now that you have a working base area mod, you could technically just release that as is and have people change the value in the main file. But that's lame and it's nice to provide a config file for better user experience. So here's a real brief lesson on that (which also doubles as an example on how to use separate files)

We can real simply add a config.lua file to our /Scripts folder, and then call that in our main.lua file, like so:


local _my_mod_config = {
-- You can add comments with default values and such
-- Usually some explanation of what it does etc
area_range = 3500.0
return _my_mod_config


local config = require "config"

NotifyOnNewObject("/Script/Pal.PalBaseCampModel", function(base_model)
print("found a base model, waiting for it to finish initializing")
ExecuteWithDelay(10000, function()
base_model.AreaRange = config.area_range
print("changed a bases range")

That's it!