Jiggle Physics ( 18+ )
Guide written by: Dytser
Research by: Lewdlad
, Dytser
, Francislouis
Minor NSFW warning
In this page there will be references and discussion to breast physics and one small example shown of physics on a character model.
Jiggle Physics
How do the work?
Jiggle physics in games are generally handled by a bone in the rig having physics attached to it, letting it move based on the momentum of the skeleton rather than any hardcoded/animated movement.
The way this is setup is by having bones on the model to handle this and then having parts of our model weighted to these bones. More on this below.
In order to create and apply jiggle physics we need to do the following
- Prepare the 3D model
- Export the model correctly
- Recommended step: Preparing an animation and exporting it
- Importing the model into Unreal Editor
- Creating and working with the Animation BluePrint (ABP)
- Attaching the ABP to your model
- Exporting and packaging correctly.
All of these steps will be explained below
Preparing the model
There is different ideas of how to best set something like this up, and it depends a lot on the individual how they approach it
However, a general rule is to have 1 bone for each part you plan to have move, More bones = more detail, This is called a "chain". Depending on what way you want to apply the physics it can also help having an extra one which your physics bones are attached to, Basically a "bone_parent"
In this example I am adding jiggle physics to breasts of a character, so breast_l and breast_r are both parented to breast_parent which is in turn parented to the upper spine bone, In Palworlds case this would be Spine_3 for example.
Weight painting
Now that you have bones in your models character rig you need to give weight to the model to have it attach to the bones. Depending on how much you want them to have physics applied, you may want to start smaller. The amount of weight applied depends entirely on what you are trying to add physics to.