| Alarm Bell | BaseCampBattleDirector |
| Antique Armchair | Sofa01_Stone |
| Antique Bathtub | BathTub_Stone |
| Antique Bookshelf | Shelf01_Stone |
| Antique Braided Basket | Box01_Stone |
| Antique Brown Floor Lamp | Light_FloorLamp01 |
| Antique Cabinet | Shelf05_Stone |
| Antique Carpet | Rug01_Stone |
| Antique Chest | Shelf03_Stone |
| Antique Couch | Sofa02_Stone |
| Antique Curtain | Curtain01_Wall_Stone |
| Antique Desk | Desk01_Stone |
| Antique Dresser | TableDresser01_Stone |
| Antique Globe | Globe01_Stone |
| Antique Grandfather Clock | Clock01_Stone |
| Antique Green Carpet | Rug03_Stone |
| Antique Green Wooden Chair | Chair02_Stone |
| Antique Long Cabinet | Shelf06_Stone |
| Antique Long Carpet | Rug04_Stone |
| Antique Mirror | Mirror02_Stone |
| Antique Ottoman | Sofa03_Stone |
| Antique Oval Mirror | Mirror01_Stone |
| Antique Partition | Partition_Stone |
| Antique Red Carpet | Rug02_Stone |
| Antique Red Floor Lamp | Light_FloorLamp02 |
| Antique Round Table | TableCircular01_Stone |
| Antique Side Chest | Shelf04_Stone |
| Antique Stool | Stool01_Stone |
| Antique Stove | Stove01_Stone |
| Antique Toilet | Toilet01_Stone |
| Antique Toilet Paper Holder | ToiletHolder01_Stone |
| Antique Towel Rack | TowlRack01_Stone |
| Antique Wall Cabinet | Shelf01_Wall_Stone |
| Antique Wall Mirror | Mirror01_Wall_Stone |
| Antique Wardrobe | Shelf02_Stone |
| Antique Washstand | TableSink01_Stone |
| Antique Wooden Chair | Chair01_Stone |
| Barricade | TrafficBarricade01_Iron |
| Bear Trap (Large) | Trap_LegHold_Big |
| Bear Trap (Small) | Trap_LegHold |
| Berry Plantation | FarmBlockV2_Berries |
| Beware of Eikthyrdeer Sign | TrafficSign03_Iron |
| Beware of Mammorest Sign | TrafficSign04_Iron |
| Big Wall Ivy | Ivy01 |
| Blast Furnace IV | BlastFurnace4 |
| Blast Furnace V | BlastFurnace5 |
| Blue Metal Barrel | Barrel02_Iron |
| Breeding Farm | BreedFarm |
| Brick Fireplace | Light_FirePlace01 |
| Cable Reel | CableCoil01_Iron |
| Campfire | CampFire |
| Ceiling Lamp | CeilingLamp |
| Chandelier | Light_CandleSticks_Top |
| Claw Crane | MachineGame01_Iron |
| Cloth Covered Container | Box02_Iron |
| Cola Vending Machine | MachineVending01_Iron |
| Cooking Pot | CookingStove |
| Cooler | Cooler |
| Cooler Box | CoolerBox |
| Crusher | Crusher |
| Defense Minigun | DefenseMinigun |
| Defensive Wall | DefenseWall |
| Double Street Lamp | Light_LightPole02 |
| Earthen Pipe | PipeClay01_Iron |
| Egg Incubator | HatchingPalEgg |
| Electric Cooler | ElectricCooler |
| Electric Furnace | BlastFurnace3 |
| Electric Generator II | ElectricGenerator2 |
| Electric Generator III | ElectricGenerator3 |
| Electric Generator Slave | ElectricGenerator_Slave |
| Electric Heater | ElectricHeater |
| Electric Kitchen | ElectricKitchen |
| Electric Medicine Workbench | MedicineFacility_02 |
| Electric Mine | Trap_MineElecShock |
| Electric Pylon | TransmissionTower |
| Emergency Exit Ceiling Sign | SignExit_Ceiling_Iron |
| Emergency Exit Wall Sign | SignExit_Wall_Iron |
| Factory Comfortable | Factory_Comfortable_01 |
| Factory Comfortable II | Factory_Comfortable_02 |
| Fat Traffic Cone | TrafficCone02_Iron |
| Feed Box | PalFoodBox |
| Fine Bed | PlayerBed_03 |
| Fireplace | Light_FirePlace02 |
| Flame Cauldron | OlympicCauldron |
| Flower Bed | FlowerBed |
| Fluffy Pal Bed | MedicalPalBed_03 |
| Frog Chair | Chair01_Pal |
| Fur rug | Rug_Wood |
| Garbage Bag | GarbageBag_Iron |
| Grand Piano | Piano01_Stone |
| Great Eagle Statue | FastTravelPoint |
| Green Metal Barrel | Barrel03_Iron |
| Hanging Trap | Trap_Noose |
| Heater | Heater |
| High Quality Hot Spring | Spa2 |
| High Quality Workbench | Factory_Hard_01 |
| High Tec hKitchen | HighTechKitchen |
| Horizontal Wall Ivy | Ivy03 |
| Hot Spring | Spa |
| Houseplant | Plant01_Plant |
| Houseplant and Chair | Plant02_Plant |
| Human Bed | PlayerBed |
| Ice Mine | Trap_MineFreeze |
| Improved Furnace | BlastFurnace2 |
| Iron Chair | Chair02_Iron |
| Iron Desk | Desk01_Iron |
| Iron Fence | TrafficBarricade05_Iron |
| Iron Gate | Metal_Gate |
| Iron Shelf | Shelf01_Iron |
| Iron Stool | Stool01_Iron |
| Iron Wall Shelf | Shelf01_Wall_Iron |
| Ironwood Low Table | TableSquare02_Iron |
| Ironwood Side Table | TableSide01_Iron |
| Ironwood Table | TableSquare01_Iron |
| Lamp | Lamp |
| Large Antique Cabinet | Shelf07_Stone |
| Large Ceiling Lamp | LargeCeilingLamp |
| Large Container | Container01_Iron |
| Large Mounted Lamp | LargeLamp |
| Large Pal Bed | MedicalPalBed_04 |
| Large Toolbox | ToolBoxV1 |
| Leather Armchair | Sofa01_Iron |
| Leather Chair | Chair01_Iron |
| Leather Couch | Sofa02_Iron |
| Lettuce Plantation | FarmBlockV2_Lettuce |
| Locker | Shelf04_Iron |
| Logging Site | StationDeforest2 |
| Long Iron Shelf | Shelf02_Iron |
| MAPOBJECT_NAME_Dev_ItemChest | Dev_ItemChest |
| MAPOBJECT_NAME_Table1 | Table1 |
| Medical Pa lBed | MedicalPalBed |
| Medicine Facility III | MedicineFacility_03 |
| Medieval Medicine Workbench | MedicineFacility_01 |
| Metal Chest | ItemChest_02 |
| Metal Defensive Wall | DefenseWall_Metal |
| Metal Door | Metal_DoorWall |
| Metal Foundation | Metal_foundation |
| Metal Roof | Metal_roof |
| Metal Slanted Roof | Metal_SlantedRoof |
| Metal Stairs | Metal_stair |
| Metal Triangular Wall | Metal_TriangleWall |
| Metal Wall | Metal_wall |
| Metal Wall and Window | Metal_WindowWall |
| Mill | FlourMill |
| Mine | Trap_MineAttack |
| Monitoring Stand | BaseCampWorkHard |
| Mounted Crossbow | DefenseBowGun |
| Mounted Gatling Gun | DefenseGatlingGun |
| Mounted Machine Gun | DefenseMachinegun |
| Mounted Missile Launcher | DefenseMissile |
| Mounted Torch | Torch |
| Moving panels | Trap_MovingPanel |
| No Pals Beyond Sign | TrafficSign01_Iron |
| Old TV | Television01_Iron |
| Orange Barricade | TrafficBarricade02_Iron |
| Orange Locker | Shelf03_Iron |
| Pal Essence Condenser | CharacterRankUp |
| Pal Gear Workbench | WorkBench_SkillUnlock |
| Palbox | PalBoxV2 |
| Pickaxe and Helmet | MiningTool |
| Plantation | FarmBlockV2_Grade03 |